Japan Travel Guide For Women Travellers
One of the most exciting facts about Japan is that it's a very safe country. Crimes against tourists are very rare, and there are no dangerous areas to avoid.
The nice part of it is that personal belongings accidentally left behind, are usually turned over to local policemen or subway station attendants.
Talking about Tokyo subway reminds me to tell you that it's one of the most pleasant, clean, and good smelling subway systems in the world. It's a very pleasant experience to use it, that is as long as you don't try to board it during Rush hour, which is crazy in Tokyo.
When is rush hour?
Same as any other big city in the world - mornings and early evenings when everybody is trying to get to or from work. Did you know that most Tokyo population travels more than an hour each morning to get to work? That's the reason each subway station has a gingle of it's own - in case someone doses off to sleep...
If you accidentally get on the wrong train there's no reason to panic - there's no 'rough' areas in Tokyo. Having said that - you always need to practice some kind of common sense. Red light districts in Shinjuku after dark has been reported to be problematic. But other than that, you can safely investigate every corner of Tokyo.
There are No specific health problems in Japan. No special immunizations or medications are needed. Japan is one of the cleanest countries in the world, so you can enjoy Food in Tokyo everywhere. Water from taps is also good enough to drink.

I know some people are concerned about the Language. By Japan travel guide, I can assure you there's no problem to get along in Tokyo Restaurants by pointing to the plastic food models presented in the Restaurant window. If you're lost and need directions, try asking the younger generation which speaks better English. Locals are very helpful you when you ask for information. They will probably lead you all the way to your wanted destination (easier than explaining it in English...). The neighborhood police station's job is to help finding a specific address, so don't be shy to ask. In short - Women visiting the city generally feel very safe. Travelling by yourself is very pleasant. I hope you enjoy your Japan Travel!!(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alma_J.)
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